View of Savoca, Sicily

Choosing Sicily in Winter

After embarking on a little more than a two-week solo journey through Sicily, I’ve come to truly grasp the irresistible charm of this enchanting island.

So, What led me to Sicily? I trace it back to the silver screen. The poignant masterpiece “Cinema Paradiso,” crafted by Giuseppe Tornatore and shot across Sicily and mainland Italy, first ignited my fascination. Then came “The Godfather,” Francis Ford Coppola’s legendary crime saga, inspired by Mario Puzo’s novel, which solidified my longing to explore this captivating place.

Additionally, I sought out a destination with a temperate winter climate akin to Portugal, where I had traveled the year prior.

Sicily is Italy’s largest island and also the largest island in the Mediterranean. It boasts a rich tapestry of history and culture influenced by Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Normans. Its diverse landscapes, from the volcanic Mount Etna to picturesque coastlines, offer a stunning backdrop. Renowned for its delicious cuisine, passionate people, and vibrant festivals, Sicily captivates with its unique blend of ancient charm and contemporary allure.

My Italian adventure began with three days in Rome before embarking on a unique journey aboard a sleeper train. For a memorable ten-hour overnight trip, I traversed the sea, train and all, aboard a ferry, crossing the Strait of Messina as dawn broke. Stepping onto Sicilian soil for the first time in Taormina, I found myself in the initial throes of my Sicilian adventure. However, still acclimating to the nuances of Sicilian train operations, I inadvertently missed my stop and had to disembark at the next station, retracing my path—this incident would mark just one of the many bloopers during my trip.

My two-week Sicilian itinerary comprised four main stops, with numerous day trips woven in between. If you’re inclined to explore Sicily following my footsteps (minus the bloopers, of course), I will be delving deeper into each stop.

My 2 week Sicilian Itinerary

  • 1 night in Taormina
  • 5 nights in Catania
  • 4 nights in Ortigia
  • 4 nights in Palermo

When I initially began mapping out this journey, I failed to grasp the sheer expanse of Sicily. With a total area of 25,711 km² (9,927 sq mi), it dwarfs Singapore, which spans approximately 734.3 km²—a staggering contrast! Seeking guidance, I turned to a Sicilian friend for advice on must-see destinations, and he provided me with a comprehensive list spanning both the east and west coasts. Additionally, I overestimated the reliability of public transportation in Sicily, erroneously assuming it would mirror the efficiency of Portugal’s transportation system.

I dedicated weeks to researching the must-see attractions and seeking out unique experiences for the duration of my trip. This was nine months of planning and through numerous iterations, I engaged in discussions, posed questions, and sought recommendations on various forums until I refined my plan. Recognising the need for flexibility to accommodate a slower pace, typical of December and January, the off-season months, I made allowances for closures and limited operations. While my desire was to explore everything Sicily had to offer, I was mindful not to overload my itinerary, prioritising a balanced pace to avoid exhaustion during my time away from work (although I did bring some work with me).

It’s worth mentioning that my day job offers me the flexibility to travel towards the end of the year when activities wind down. Consequently, for the past few years, I’ve chosen to embark on my adventures from late December into January. Additionally, for personal reasons close to my heart, I’ve made it a tradition to be in a new city as the new year unfolds, eager to partake in each location’s unique New Year’s Eve festivities and witness the dazzling displays of fireworks.

The New Year’s celebrations in Sicily were a complete culture shock for me, but that’s a tale for another occasion.

So, this is my motivation behind my journey, and I hope you’ll stay tuned to explore my adventures and gather valuable insights into the cities I visited on this remarkable journey.

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